Who Am I
Me, I’m No-Body.
I am the distant Reflection of lost Creation in a time where Mortals exist; and The Ego runs the world.
I consider myself “No-Body”, because I am of mind, matter, & ether. I am the shell of Primordial energy returning to assist in the shift of consciousness within this epoch. There are many of Us here, and we are all remembering how to use our power. I am here to help.
My name is Kadidra Stewart-Cooper (Ancestral name Nekhbet Hetep). I was born on the south side of Chicago, in a small Pan-African community. The elders of my community prided themselves on the eduction of young black children, with afro-centric studies, dance, and culture of the African diaspora. This is where my journey began. I was raised by a wonderful group of educators (my mother & aunts), as many community elders assisted along the way. I am the epitome of a village child.
My Spiritual journey began with Self. I wanted to get to the source of joy, happiness, and internal peace. During my quest, I began to notice a common theme keeping from achieving the “dream life” I desired. I soon realized, I needed to reprogram my mind from all the ideas, thoughts and beliefs, others had given me about myself. It took 18 years to understand the finings of my studies of Self, but now, I’ve got it down to a science.
I now purposely create my reality.
I now manifest the life I desire.
I now live out loud, instead of fearing failure.
I now welcome you to join me.
With Divine Love,
Kadidra Stewart-Cooper
Kadidra lives and works from Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and is available to travel for speaking engagements.
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